Is aricept an antidepressant

First, so glAD you found a caring, understanding doctor!!then, everyone handles these meds in their own way, or not.When Mom was first diagnosed in 2008 by her primary care, she was put on Aricept.She had some sleep issues which were solved with the addition of doxepin.But, she had soft stool to diarrhea almost the entire year she was on it.During chemo for her breast cancer last year, the new primary care took her off a number of her medications due to some cancer related issues she had.He said Aricept and two other things she was taking could be causing the sodium/fluid imbalance in her.The other medicines were slowly added back, but not the Aricept.The diarrhea abated and has not returned.Diarrhea is a possible side effect that is supposed to go away over time.With Mom, it did not.For a year, she took no AD meds (mostly because the team of doctors that were dealing with the chemo and related illnesses caused and/or exacerbated by the chemo felt she didn’t have AD!)Since the cancer treatment ended, we found a new neurologist who confirmed the 2008 diagnosis and she has now been put on Namenda.One month in and so far so good on side effects.Jury is still out on efficacy for AD.That is one woman’s story.For every person taking these meds, the story is unique.I would see how it goes and keep checking with the doctor to assess the value.Thanks for asking.This is just nuts.I actually talked to Dad on Saturday morning.We had a good talk.He was still in NV at that point.He now wants to drive to Florida to see his childhood home.But he realized he didn’t take the right car for such a long road trip.
Is aricept an antidepressant
So he was planning to return to Oregon, switch cars and go to Florida.I tried to just accept the good in that – he’s alive and headed home at least for now.My mom gave the dog to her brother.This just shows you how desperate she was because she loves that dog.So now Dad is home and he now plans to stay for a couple of weeks to wrap things up before he leaves.I know he plans to see his doctor so I’m hopeful there.But at this time he still plans to leave my mom.So unbelievable.My bro and I are pretty much just trying not to pressure him – he is notoriously stubborn.We want to give him the space to change his mind.There is no doubt that he loves mom – leaving her is the dementia talking.I’m still very concerned about this trip to Florida.I think he may be contemplating harming himself.But for now he has put it off so it’s watchful waiting for us.Susan.I too had wonders about the MME, the last time my mom took it was about a year ago.She scored around 7 or 8, something like that.She could not write, couldn’t remember any words, thought it was almost christmas, even though it was warm and spring.NO conception of time of day.But, she could still take care of all of her personal care, dress appropriately, run the washer and dryer, recognize all family, carry on a good conversation on the phone.She gave up driving on her own, years before , on her own after getting lost.Within a couple of months of that visit, she needed help picking out clothes, showering( couldn’t turn on the water) lost her ability to wash clothes.She needed help fixing her hair.She also started disposing of toilet tissue inappropriately.

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